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Thanks for visiting our website.  Here at It's All Good Cafe 13, we are on a mission to make people healthier by offering the choice to eat all organic.  

My name is Terri Tingle.  My passion to open the cafe originates from a personal story.  Ten years ago, after beating breast cancer, we moved to Gulf Shores.  We started eating out a lot more, and I noticed the food was making me sick.  Later we moved to Hawaii, and in 2013, a friend introduced me to organic produce.  I didnt really think much about organic food before.  The organic food was not making me sick after eating it.  I started reading and finding out all I could about what the differences were in organic and gmo foods.  The organically grown foods were grown without pesticides and harmful chemicals I learned.  There were many other differences I am still finding out about to this day.  Basically organic food is grown the way it was a hundred years ago free of pesticides and genetically modified organisms.  My husband and I soon thereafter started buying only organic meats and produce.  I regained some of the weight I had lost before becoming sick.  It has improved my health, physically and mentally.

We decided to move back and wake up our friends and family to the truth that you can eat healthy and it not taste bad.  It also doesn't have to be so expensive if we all agree to start supporting the organic farmers.  Organic farmers are having to spend more money to get certified to say they are organic.  Conventional farmers don't have to do that.  They actually get money to grow their food, which is genetically modified most of the time.

We initially had plans to open a organic market, but started hearing that most people don't have time to prepare their meals.  Now there is an option to still eat organic and not have to cook every meal.  We offer family size pans that you can order in advance.

We opened up the Bakery November 1st 2016 for a variety of sweet treats and fresh baked bread! Stop in to try samples....It's All Good!


We serve food made from organic ingredients, which are purchased from Whole Foods, Costco, and organic farmers in Tuscaloosa.  Cafe 13 uses high quality ingredients, and coconut oil as an alternative to other cooking oils.  As far as quality, we prepare foods that do not contain any chemicals, anything that can be an endocrine disrupter.  Your endocrine system is very sensitive, and a lot of people don't realize it.  Pesticides are toxic chemicals.  If you eat organic then you don't have those chemicals in your food.  Your body can then start getting the nutrients it needs without overloading your liver, causing your body to detox constantly.  My main goal is to educate people that they have a choice.  I'm not trying to push my food on anyone.  We are here to inform people that they can even cook this way at home.  It doesn't have to be expensive.  It's how you cook your food!  We have limited indoor dining at present.  This will allow us to provide organic meals while keeping costs reasonable.  We also have covered picnic tables and offer takeout, walk-in or drive-thru.


 We are family owned and operated.

Get the word out.  Eat organic.

"It's All Good!"


Check out the links below for info about how food is grown and manufactured today.  


This 6 minute video is a good start:


A good site for many links to informative videos and news about food and farming.



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